The Kay County Republican Party Precinct Meetings and County Convention will be held March 1st in Ponca City.
At our precinct meetings, we will be: electing a precinct chair and vice chair (members of the county committee), delegates to the county convention (immediately following), voting on changes to the state platform and rules, and adopting resolutions.
At the county convention, the officers of the Kay County Party will be elected for a 2 year term: Chairman, Vice Chairman, 2 State Committee Members, 2 District Committee members and 2 alternate State Committee members. We will also vote on all business presented by the precincts and choose delegates to the State Convention in May.
At the State Convention, we will elect a State Chairman and Vice Chairman for two year terms, as well as any additional business from the counties that we can get to: including platform changes, rule changes, and resolutions.
The current Oklahoma Republican Party platform can be found here:
The Oklahoma Republican Party current rules can be downloaded here:
The Oklahoma State Republican Convention will be held May 3rd in OKC.
Please let us know if you will be able to attend by email at: or text: (572) 888-6040.
Check back for updates as we get closer.